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Review of Sphere of Freedom by RandomJoke

28 February 2025

"Christopher Eccelston is back as the ninth Doctor at Big Finish" How exciting must it have been hearing this News after thinking the Chance of getting Eccelston back for anything was non-existing? Very exciting!

And yet this is neither a great grand Return and feels more like a "Business as Usual" Story. If I had to compare it, imagine the Bond Movie "Diamonds are Forever" and it bringing back Sean Connery after he left the Part and a Movie came out without him. That Movie was at its core 'lucky' to have Connery back and yet it doesn't feel grand at all. Same can be said about this one.

But that would be okay if the Story was any good. And well.. it wasn't. It's at worst boring, at best confusing and messy. There are some solid Perfomances but really a forgettable Story and a slight Disapointment for being the 'grand' Return for Eccelston into that Part all those Years later.


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