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Review of Space Babies by RoseBomb

11 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Quite good fun, but a bit messy at spots, and has some pacing issues.
I get that the first story is basically there to establish a bond between the characters while the plot takes a backseat, à la Smith and Jones, but here I feel like it took too much of a backseat.
I do like the ending of The Doctor saving The Bogeyman because it's the right thing to do, but the babies and Jocelyn being on the same page is completely left-field.
Also, I'm not sure I buy the chemistry between 15 and Rubes just yet, I could definitely get there, but, idk, it feels kind of forced, we'll see as the season progresses.
Finally, I don't like how the "make the companion's phone able to call the past" scene is ripped straight from The End of The World, but, those are all my gripes and nitpicks with the story, the rest of it is, as said, good fun.
I also feel like Millie's performance has improved, I wasn't much a fan of it in The Church on Ruby Road, but I can now comfortably say that that was just new-role-jitters.


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