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Review of Slipback by DarthGallifrey

1 May 2024

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(Taken from my Goodreads Review | Last Listened To: January 2022)

Slipback is an odd beast. Written by then-script editor Eric Saward, starring Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant as the Sixth Doctor and Peri respectively, and released as part of a kids radio program during the 'hiatus' between Seasons 22 and 23, this isn't that good. Made up of six ten minute episodes, the story sees the Doctor and Peri arrive on a spaceship where someone is experimenting with time. Colin and Nicola are fine, however the story is just kinda boring with a captain who can create and release viruses when he's angry, a schitzophrenic ship's computer, an art thief and a revelation that the ship will cause the big bang. At the time, it was probably enjoyed as it was new Doctor Who when there wasn't any on TV. Now however, it just doesn't stand up to the superior story-telling that we get from Big Finish. It doesn't help that Saward isn't the best writer Who has ever had. It's not un-listenable, and as a historical curiousity it's interesting, but it's not worth re-listening to. Mercifully, it's short. So check it out for historical curiosity, but don't expect much out of it.


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