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Review of Slaver’s Song by JayPea

3 March 2025


I mean like, that was fine, but there's not really anything to hook you. You'd think that the slavers might react to another person of colour in a place where they're 'gathering slaves', but Tara's presence, at least for now, seems to be mostly there for Rose to get jealous at.

Jack and Rose's story in this issue seems to just be even more setup fro future events, which promises to be interesting, but historically hasn't been. So the main thing to really focus on here is Tara and Nine's story which is... fine.

The idea of mer-creatures helping slaves because they were also slaves, and then their slavers coming back to help them is neat, but it's just a bit too fast paced, I think a little less action, a little more talking would do this story a world of good, maybe another issue to work with?

As it is, this story is fine, nothing horrible, but nothing to write home about at all.



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