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Review of Silver Nemesis by dema1020

23 November 2024

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I came into these episodes expecting a pretty rough time.  Silver Nemesis is generally considered disappointing by a lot of fans, and the last few Cyberman stories from the Classic Who era I've encountered (stuff like Wheel in Space and Attack of the Cybermen) have been underwhelming.  So colour me surprised when I found Silver Nemesis an utterly charming little adventure.  There's a lot I really liked here.  Primarily Ace and the Doctor really get to just enjoy each other's company and some music early on in this story, to the extent I could have just watched them do that for an hour.  There's something very charming about it all, undoubtedly thanks to the acting chops of McCoy and Aldred.  Yet there's also some really fun, snappy dialogue that got me laughing on a few occasions.

It helps that one of our villains, Lady Peinforte, is pretty great and silly all at once.  Her, a person from 1638, is pretty amusing to watch trapse around Windsor in 1988 with her henchman Richard.  Those two carry a lot of scenes and I love how Richard shows up at the end to play more music for the Doctor and Ace.

This is a great story overall but is a little clunky in parts.  Instead of focusing on Peinforte and this Nemesis object in space which I found decently compelling as a story, we also have two other villains - the Cybermen and some Nazi named De Flores.  The Nazi was okay.  He reminds me a lot of a generic Indiana Jones-style villain and I like his backstory of being one of those officers who escaped to South America.  He's fun enough but isn't around much and then gets killed off quite unceremoniously.  The Cybermen only fair a little better.  I do like how they recognize the Doctor by now but they don't really feel like they were needed for the story.

These problems are more technical than prohibitive, I find.  Sure, it's a bit of a cluttered story, but most of the actual scenes in this serial are focused on Ace and the Doctor chilling, or Peinforte and Richard on a rampage, and I have a lot of fun with those scenes.  I'd definitely recommend this one and it really helps round out Season 25 for me as one of the better runs of Doctor Who episodes.


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