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Review of Signs and Wonders by thedefinitearticle63

19 March 2025

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Mask of Tragedy

Typically, when I finish an arc like this, I should be feeling sad. Instead I feel relieved. That's not to say I haven't enjoyed it, because I have, but it's been an exhausting journey. I did enjoy this story but I think it has a lot of flaws nonetheless. I'm mixed on the Elder Gods stuff in this one, for about half the story it was really boring and frankly not all that grand and bombastic like it should be. I do think there was some really good stuff with To'Koth though.

We finally get a resolution to Thomas Hector and while it was sweet and absolutely the ending that Hex deserves I'm not sure it should have happened. It just sort of cheapens his death and all the really interesting character work that came with it. I'm struggling to find anything else to say about this story. I think it could have all been handled a lot better.

Next Story: You Are The Doctor


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