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26 August 2024
Choosing their next destination, our team pick Unity - what could go wrong with a bit of therapy?
The 7th Doctor, Ace and Hex - it seems like a like a long time since we last heard Hex, and its nice to have him back. Here Ace and Hex get to meet their darker sides, as the therapy process on Unity can separate them and tranfer it to a robot double to 'confront ' yourself. Thing is they are not that dark. The story is the exploitation of the planet and its people, so misses the mark on an evil Ace/Hex adventure.
Theres nothing new in this tale, its nice enough, one of the issues with 'other' versions of characters is its much hard to tell which one it is on audio, especially if you get distracted. Ace and Hex are a little too pally for my liking. There are twists, but nothing is got into in depth. There's a great line but the Doctor, where he says something like 'a day ago, a month another year, another me' it the 'Another me' that I liked.
Its Ok, listenable, but not outstanding.
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