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Review of Shadow of Death by WhoPotterVian

17 July 2024

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This one is a bit of a dull story. Something sends the TARDIS off-course, and they land on the base of this dead planet orbiting a pulsar. Some sort of time creature is stalking the TARDIS crew and a group of humans who are studying this alien city, and there's also some strange things concerning time running differently inside the base in comparison to on the planet's surface.


It's kind of reminiscent of the later 2017 story World Enough And Time/The Doctor Falls (although the latter does the time running differently concept much better in my opinion) and also the episode of The Daleks' Master Plan where Sara Kingdom dies. There are some nice moments, such as the scene where the Doctor receives a psychic message from the Eleventh Doctor and the Second Doctor remarks on their similarities, and Frazer Hines does a fantastic job at narrating it, but I feel like more could have been done with the story overall. It plods along too slowly, and probably could have been told in forty minutes rather than an hour.


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