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Review of Scorched Earth by thedefinitearticle63

19 January 2025

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Cry of the Vultriss

Really solid stuff. It's a bit disappointing that this is the THIRD time we've visited WW2/the 1940s (in this arc) but in it's defense it's the first story to actually do something with that setting. I'd also say it's the first story out of the Flip/Connie stuff to actually delve into their relationship and that alone marks it up in my book.

Miranda Raison and Lisa Greenwood are on top form here, their performances are just brilliant. It's really interesting to finally see their characters clash. It was really interesting how they both reacted to the "justice" at the beginning of the story. Again this is another example of the companions outshining the Doctor, something that's happening a lot with this TARDIS team.

Once the plot actually gets going it's fairly basic but the immaculate character work more than makes up for it. An excellent outing if you want a focus on the TARDIS team itself.

Next Story: The Lovecraft Invasion


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