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Review of School Reunion by 15thDoctor

25 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Now that's more like it! Its a tricky thing bringing back long forgotten elements from a show's past, the 2005 series stripped everything back to basics with minimal references to the past. Its surprising then that in 2006 Russell decided it was time to bring back one of the classic series most beloved (and my favourite) companion Sarah-Jane Smith. Not only did they bring her back but they brought her back in an interesting way that both old school fans and those only familiar with the new series could appreciate - she's The Doctor's ex. Its a concept that works really well and gives Sarah-Jane, The Doctor, Rose and even Mickey Smith some serious character development. The Doctor's companions can stay with him for the rest of their life, but he can't stay with them for the rest of their lives - and it impacts everyone around them.

Anthony Head turns what could be a fairly meat and potatoes part into a shimmering role. Even as a kid I appreciated having some cast crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Elisabeth Sladen though is clearly the star of the show. I miss her so dearly. She more than proves that the classic cast can hold their own in the new show.

Its a funny script - Kenny being celebrated by his classmates for blowing up the school and the scenes with the two "tin dogs" Mickey and K-9 stand out as particular highlights. Its no surprise that Toby Whithouse is brought in to write more scripts.

It is also the second story in a row setting up a new spin off, the series' third overall. We're firing on all cylinders now!


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