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Review of Scaredy Cat by slytherindoctor

23 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

MR 075: Scaredy Cat


Well I was going to make a joke about how this was the shortest main range, but f**k THAT. WHAT THE FUCKING f**k WAS THIS. Nope, absolutely not. I am not having the Doctor become a Nazi, thank you very much.


Most of what happens here does not matter. I mostly checked out through it. They land on a planet that is supposed to be uninhabited only to find scientists doing experiments or some such. There's native life on the planet that they're experimenting on and an evil psychopath mass murderer in the closet who they're also experimenting on. Whatever.


The main thing that pissed me off here was when the Doctor went back in time to find out what was happening. They had seen a ghost girl on the planet so The Doctor and C'Rizz went back four million years to find out what happened. There was a colony of millions of people on the planet that was wiped out by a disease. The Doctor could easily make an antidote to this disease and C'Rizz begs him to help these people, but HE FUCKING REFUSES??!?!?!?!? Nope. Nope nope nope. f**k this. I'm out. This is f**king disgusting.


Indeed, not only does he refuse to save millions of people from dying, because it would create a time loop where they don't come back in time to find out what happened in the first place, he actively PREVENTS C'RIZZ FROM HELPING. C'Rizz tries to save these people by giving them the antidote, but the Doctor MAKES SURE THAT WHAT HE GIVES THEM ISN'T ENOUGH!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! This is the Eighth Doctor. ACTIVELY trying to make sure a genocide happens. Yeah f**k you. Nope. This would be the Doctor who regularly tries to save as many people as possible. He would never, NEVER let millions of people die like this. He would fight to save them, no matter what it took. C'Rizz and Charley need to leave and run away as fast as possible after this. This is just like at the end of Medicinal Purposes when Evelyn should have left and never come back, but even worse. The Doctor didn't just kill one person here, he actively killed MILLIONS of people here.


He then goes forward and shows C'Rizz what he's done. The piles of dead bodies and the one little girl who was immune to the disease, now being forced to live on a pile of corpses. This is beyond evil. And then the story has the gall, the absolutely sheer FUCKING NERVE to do the "C'Rizz is a murderer/no he's not/yes he is" routine that we've done a thousand times already AFTER HE TRIES TO SAVE PEOPLE FROM THE DOCTOR'S GENOCIDE. The Doctor later says that these people dying was a bad thing. f**k the f**k off you EVIL EVIL piece of s**t. And then the Doctor says that C'Rizz isn't a murderer. Like he has any right to say that. He has no right to judge C'Rizz, nor the serial killer. He's done far, FAR worse than either of them in this story.


Nope. f**k this. f**k everything this stands for. This is, like Medicinal Purposes, the logical endpoint of the evil ideology that runs through Doctor Who like a cancer. I wish that I could operate on the whole franchise and remove it. This is the Doctor standing in the face of the holocaust, in the face of the Atlantic slave trade, in the face of every gruesome mass murder, extinction, and genocide in history and saying "No, all of you MUST suffer and die to preserve history as I remember it." It's the ultimate expression of this evil and it needs to end. I will never tolerate it and will always call it out whenever I see it. f**k this story and the person who wrote it.


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