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18 February 2025
Wow. Following Auld Lang Syne, yet another fantastic Ninth Doctor audio. I'm sure I won't be the first to comment how wonderful it is to land on a world of reimagined peace-loving Sontaran utopians. Or maybe I will be the first. I understand it was controversial, in NuWho, to make Strax, and by extension the rest of the Sontarans, comic relief rather than terrifying threat. But as someone who grew up solely with the revived series, I had no affinity for earlier, scarier incarnations and felt they always worked well as a slightly absurd threat — dangerous enough but not series finale material you know?
Dan Starkey was spot on as always, giving a performance I always love, whether it's Strax (who is cheerfully violent) or these Sontarans (who are cheerfully ignorant of war). He gives us comic relief characters that are somehow more, that are somehow characters we root for and care about despite or because of their ridiculous qualities.
A wonderful story, smartly written, "Salvation Nine" recommits us to those ideals that make Doctor Who great: the pursuit of peace, the possibility of redemption, the promise of new beginnings. Thank you, Timothy X Atack, Starkey, Eccleston and the rest of the cast and crew who put out yet another great adventure.
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