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Review of Robot by 15thDoctor

14 November 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Pertwee's debut story Spearhead From Space is arguably (and in my opinion) the finest of his whole era. With this in mind Tom Baker's opening story has big boots to fill.

Tom immediately looks so comfortable in the role, if you were not familiar with the show and had missed Part One you would be forgiven for thinking he had always been there. The Doctor's newfound playfulness and flippancy makes everything he does is consistently intriguing. Elisabeth Sladen fits magically into this new dynamic, it no longer feels like she is helping out her Dad. Whilst the Fourth Doctor clearly cares for Sarah Jane, any trace of his former slightly patronising relationship with her has disappeared. I hate to put Pertwee down, he made a good Doctor, but personally I find Tom Baker's move away from the lead character being an establishment figure, a posh Top Gear dad and a wine connoisseur. The new approach is more fun, more original in my opinion.

This script surprisingly does not put much focus on the fact there is a new Doctor which is a small shame. What there is is excellent - I love the dressing up and the madness. It great fun to see all the established UNIT characters take to a new Doctor like ducks to water. Sarah Jane is given a lot to do in this one. Any story where they stick to her characterisation as a journalist makes me happy - this is where her character really shines. Seeing her investigate and sneak into the compound to find the robot is excellent fun.

Part of me feels that the established UNIT characters and setting of the story dulls the transition between Doctors a little, as does the fact that it is Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks writing Tom's first story. Everything should be brand new and exciting but the old guard is still there and it feels wrong. I just want to pull The Doctor out of this situation and create a brand new world. UNIT is amazing, I love those guys, but they have been the predominant flavour for five years of Doctor Who and I'd like something new at this point. The majority of the changes between eras are still to come.

The characters are clearly the best element of Robot. Miss Winters is a very memorable villain, reminding us of how little we see women inhabit chunky guest roles in our favourite show. Only in Doctor Who could you have neo-Nazis harbouring a giant robot with the intention of overthrowing society.

There is also the absolutely amazing Ian Marter as Harry Sullivan. Whilst he does not have a great deal to do in this story he is played with subtlety and style, Doctor Who is lucky to have him.

The storyline itself is a pretty pedestrian, atypical Doctor Who. If it was not for the new Doctor elevating everyone's performances this would be considered mediocre story. In fairness in 1974/75 Robot K1 would probably have been a little less of a cliche. "Can robots feel love" is an idea that has been done to death in fiction and I don't feel Robot does anything new with the concept.

So! All in all a promising start to a new era in the Fourth Doctor, Harry and Sarah Jane and a farewell to those behind the scenes who have made our wonderful show for so many years. Here's to the future!


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