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Review of Revenge of the Cybermen by KieranCooper

24 March 2025

  • I found this story a mixture of interesting and dull, such a mix-match of ideas that it ruins my enjoyment of it truly
  • I'm not that much a fan of the Cyberman design in this story. They're too bulky and have the least scariest design. Their sound design is also not great neither is their power set or physicality. The shaking of people's shoulders is funnier than it should be
  • Not sure about the writing style or choices, but I'm fond of the dynamic between Sarah Jane, the Doctor, and Harry in this story, they just give Harry such a hard time. If I were him I'd leave.
  • The civil war on Voga is distracting and kind of useless it ruins the flow and takes away from the real story that the Cybermen are there for, I liked the conceptual choice for the caves, gave the story a new environment
  • Not a big deal but that Cyber Snake Mat thing looks terrible, where are my little Cyber Mat boys, they are way better. Cuter and creepier


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