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Review of Revelation of the Daleks by greenLetterT

9 August 2024

Revelation of the Daleks isn't bad per se, but it doesn't really achieve anything it sets out to do.

Once again I found myself enjoying the side characters more than the Doctor and Peri (whoever decided to write the opening and make nk fewer than two comment on her weight I hope all your manuscripts get eaten by maggots). The two bounty hunters were fun, and Kara and her secretary were a delightful double act

The thing is this is not a good Dalek story. It's hard to do a good Dalek story, because they're a mostly one-note enemy that got famous amd popular and thus overused, but it's possible! The writer here didn't manage it. They remain a one-note enemy whose appearance could have been replaced with any suitably evil alien

All in all, a breath of fresh air after Timelash. Unfortunately, that's like moving to Mars because Pluto was too chilly


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