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Review of Remembrance of the Daleks by PexLives

16 July 2024

I cannot imagine what this must’ve been like to watch in 88. Watching this directly after watching season 23 and 24, this is like night and day. More than just a good episode, it’s a return to form that still feels fresh and exciting. It’s probably the quintessential Doctor Who episode. It’s the best starting point for new viewers because it’s a promise that Doctor Who is capable of more interesting things than pantomime. Plot threads are set up here that will have a huge impact in the New Adventures novels, and the characterization of the Doctor in this one serial defined this incarnation of the Doctor forever. The look of this, the pacing, the Doctor companion relationship is all the best it’s EVER been because it has all been shocked with electricity and brought back to life from JNT hell. Remembrance holds up as the best that Doctor Who has to offer.


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