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Review of Remembrance of the Daleks by 15thDoctor

26 April 2024

This review contains spoilers!

If I was watching this show at the same rate it was being released, it would have been 4 and a half years since I’d seen a Doctor Who story that I had enjoyed to this degree. Remembrance is a triumph in almost every way. Sylvester and Aldred steal the show with their impressive, naturally charming and sparky chemistry. It’s the little jokes and details, such as them quickly switching places in the van, that hit home as hard as the big set pieces, like the iconic Dalek/ baseball bat scene.

The supporting cast is on top form too, with memorable, touching roles from even those cast as one off bar staff. The pseudo-UNIT team clicked together naturally. Davros is only in the show for a few frames but it hardly matters with all the Dalek factions and (gasp!) a gorgeous special weapons Dalek. Some wobbly Daleks aside, the show is looking better than ever with brilliant model shots and props.

The First Doctor has an enjoyably understated presence in this story to mark the show’s quarter of a century year with it turning out that he has tricked the various Dalek factions in his previous incarnation. It’s not fan service for the sake of it though, this all fits together into a satisfying narrative that makes the show feel mammoth and fresh.

I’m in awe of such a quantum shift in quality the start of season 25 has had compared to season 24. It makes sense that this could happen though, all the ingredients were already in place. This shift makes me confident that the classic series will end with a well earned bang.


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