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Review of Random Shoes by WhoPotterVian

6 August 2024

This review contains spoilers!

I don't get why the RTD Whoniverse stuff thought Love & Monsters was such a great idea. Because that's essentially what this episode is. Torchwood's version. It just doesn't work when a personification of fandom becomes the lead character. It becomes too much like a parody.


This episode also suffers from a lack of peril. There's no real stakes. It's just Gwen investigating the death of someone who is a fan of Torchwood's operations, and happened to get his hands on an alien eye.


The ending isn't quite as bad as Love & Monsters, but doesn't make much sense. So now as soon as Gwen nearly dies, they can all see Eugene? Why? And now he's seemingly back to life, why does he decide to somehow send himself back to his state of death? Why does Gwen kiss someone she barely knows? Eh?


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