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Review of Pyramids of Mars (TOTT version) by 15thDoctor

21 June 2024

This is one of the more familiar stories amongst fandom, so there would be no point in giving it another spin in a new format without switching things up a bit. The changes in this TotT version do nothing to fundamentally alter the story, but it does makes things a bit whizzier and move things along at an enjoyable pace. The only noticeable edits are when they intercut between scenes (I wonder if someone unfamiliar with 70s television would spot this as a change). The updated effects also fall into the category of “nice to have” value add. They make the show feel a little more dressed up for its 21st century reimagining.

The story itself is a bit of a turnaround, but one of the best that the show has ever delivered. The imagery of Sutekh and the trippy visuals that his powers inspire bump the story into a higher category than the script would achieve alone.


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