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Review of Prologue by JayPea

27 February 2025

This review contains spoilers!

I slightly struggled to follow the action at one point, the logistics of how the team disorientated me a bit and I had to reread those lines a few times to get what was happening... but honestly that kind of works for this story.

Prologue is a short, three page story that honestly does a really great job of setting the groundwork for both the PROBE team, and presumably the thematics of the things to come. The vibes here are great, the sense of mystery and intrigue do a surprisingly effective job of, well, intriguing you, making you want to know more about who these people are, what's are they doing, what are they about, etc.

And honestly, that opening paragraph has hooked me more than any other opening to a PROBE story I've experienced so far.


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