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Review of Project: Twilight by dema1020

9 November 2024

I guess I was just left weirdly indifferent to Project: Twilight, even with the surprising amount of violence.  As the start of something I know will be followed up on later and does have its fans, I certainly expected more.  It's a weird choice for Evelyn to be in a story like this and I am baffled they didn't focus on her in more historical stories.  I do like how we get into a lot of world building through this story.  I can definitely appreciate aspects of Project: Twilight through that.  There's moments I really like where Evelyn is reflecting on her travels with the Doctor but there is a certain tone and sense to the story that a person wouldn't really enjoy the experience either if this was the sort of thing they were stuck experiencing.  I suppose I'd rather Big Finish experiment with darker ideas than just do the same bland thing over and over again so even though I didn't really enjoy this story much, I can't begrudge it's stranger choices.

I can tell you it is one of those stories I want to like. I can hear the quality and effort clearly put into the production. I can appreciate it is different and Evelyn is still a joy, even here, so I am predisposed to want to like all of her stories.

But I found it long and a little self-indulgent. It reminds me a little of how the Virgin New Adventures realized they didn't have to worry about censorship but then veered hard into dark content.

I have no issue with that, specifically, but it feels like it didn't have much purpose here other than to hype up the vampires. Which I think the world building around The Forge actually did better than the violence. The graphic stuff just kind of made me depressed here.


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