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Review of Project: Lazarus by kiraoho

27 September 2024

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A very interesting concept that unfortunately didn't make a full-size story. So instead they slapped an underwhelming prequel to it, that was supposed to tie up some sequel-bait from e23: "Project: Twilight". Instead we have an amalgamation of two undercooked stories with underdeveloped characters that could've each been great both on its own and combined.

Artemis was such a Chibnall character in this one. She had a proper name and everything, but I can't remember it a few minutes after the play. And she is a returning character.

Nimrod is a very bleak villain. The Doctor keeps giving him the benefit of the doubt despite ranting about how evil he is at the same time.
Hilariously abrupt. At least we have a Seven story in his late TV-movie years. 2/5


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