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Review of Project: Lazarus by 15thDoctor

7 January 2025

This review contains spoilers!

The second half of this story is one of Colin Baker’s finest performances. He brings so much terror and emotion to his role as the cloned Doctor. It’s a beautiful *not quite* multi-Doctor story that outshines every other BF multi-Doctor story I’ve heard (even Cold Fusion). A proper plot to get their teeth stuck into (even if you work out pretty quickly that something is up with 6th Doctor).

On that note - Big Finish has dreamed up few images more abhorrent than vats full of failed Colin Baker clones. Yuck! Imagine them all in their coats.

Sylvester wins runner up prize for best performance - he is on stellar form as the sleuth of the episode, working out what has gone wrong with his predecessor and The Forge.

The first half of this story, and the whole of it’s predecessor ‘Project: Twilight’ were interesting but less exceptional for me. In their defense I am not at all a fan of vampire stories and Evelyn and the 6th Doctor bring more than enough to the table with their character moments. We’re left on a bit of a cliffhanger regarding Evelyn’s health - I can’t wait to see how this unfolds!


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