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Review of Project Infinity by JayPea

4 March 2025

Another couple of time jumps here, though these ones I feel have enough attention drawn to them that they do really work, and on top of that this story has some really interesting ideas.

The opening where the daleks are seemingly being driven back, with our characters realising that there's more to it than they're letting on, and that there's some connection to project infinity.

Seeing what Alby's become now, not only because of Suzan's death, but because of the little he does know about project infinity.

The mental link that the daleks used from last episode being used again here is neat, I especially like the way that it's used tactically, it makes sense for all dalek positions to be put through the pathweb for tactical reasons, so our characters using that to their advantage is great, and gives a solid explanation as to why they're not all just immediately killed.

And of course, the reveal of project infinity itself. Multiverse stories are all the rage now, but I can appreciate the fact that they weren't as much when this released, so it doesn't fall into the tropiness that can often be associated with them. The fact they're not wanting to use it to pull resources from another universe to destroy the daleks, but instead wanting to just see what they did and how they can replicate that is a small thing, but I think adds a little touch of realism to it which I appreciate.

Then the ending, out heroes all being captured, the reveal that Susan isn't dead but is one of many ready to be turned into a dalek, the same thing that's going to happen to our heroes, and the parallel daleks seemingly being somewhat heroic? it's an interesting place to end, setting things up for the next season.

Unfortunately however this falls into one of the same pitfalls its three predecessors did, that being that it's just a bit too long. At 74 minutes, you get the impression that at least 20 minutes could easily have been shaved off, bringing more attention to the actual meat of the story rather than the many long discussions that surround it. I'm definitely not one to complain about taking a moment to talk (see my 11/Valarie reviews), but here it does feel like it drags at times, which unfortunately brings the story down somewhat



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