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Review of Prisoners of Fate by sircarolyn

10 June 2024

This episode started one way, and looked like it was going to be pretty dull, but then around the halfway point it became very interesting. I will confess, Nyssa is not one of my favourite companions and so I wasn't too thrilled by the idea of another Nyssa-centric episode, but I was pleasantly surprised by the way this episode turned.

I think, if my memory was a little better and I could remember more fully the events that led to them picking the older Nyssa up, this might have had more impact, but nevertheless I found the way she was torn between leaving her son behind to grow up without a mother, or shattering the timeline and going back for him to be quite heartwrenching.

However, it was when the Doctor's 'original' Type 50 TARDIS came into play that things got actually interesting. I was, as many are, a fan of Alien Bodies, and this very much gave me that vibe - I love it when TARDISes are a little eldritch and spooky. I mean a TARDIS possessing a corpse! I love that, personally, and that kind of mind bending, time manipulation, time machine too sentient for its own good thing really elevated this story into something good for me.

Review created on 10-06-24