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Review of Point of Entry by thedefinitearticle63

7 October 2024

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Paradise 5

It's amazing how exceedingly dull this story is. I'm honestly shocked, because looking at the summary of this story it sounds like it should be one of the strangest, most exciting lost stories. It doesn't seem like something that could have been concieved in the 80s, let alone actually made. This story just goes on and on and on. If it weren't for the two-hour runtime I don't think this would have been nearly as bad.

There are a few redeeming qualities. For one, the villain of the story is really entertaining to listen to, reminds me of Salazar from Pirates of the Caribbean. Nicola Bryant gives a great performance here and gets to show off her accent skills by playing Peri pretending to be a posh English queen.

Besides all that though, I found this story a slog to get through, albeit one with fascinating ideas.

Next Story: The Song of Megaptera


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