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Review of Phantasmagoria by slytherindoctor

22 August 2024

Well we're not off to an amazing start after Sirens. I wasn't particularly impressed with it. It's a Mark Gatiss script and it shows.


The plot is a very basic one of an alien warlord kidnapping people off the street in 18th century London to escape the Earth. There's nothing super interesting about it except for another alien who is both a highwayman and a lady servant in an antiquarian's house.


Peter Davison gets his first real audio but I wasn't super impressed. He has a tendency to mutter his lines a lot and it makes him hard to hear. I'm not sure if that's purposeful or not. He's still a very passive Doctor, letting the plot happen to him and waiting to see what happens before jumping into action. He does trick the villain into touching his own playing card which links his biodata to the system which is cute. In the first audio he was being tricksy as well so maybe that's what they're going for with him? I do like how he gets very interested in the antiquarian's collection when they land.


It's interesting that they went with Turlough as the first companion from the show. Maybe he was just the only one they could get. But he doesn't really have his usual mischievous/trouble making personality here. No "Face it Tegan he's drowned!" to be found here.


Also, I don't know if I'm racist against white men or the 18th century period accents through me off or what because it's kind of hard to keep track of which character is which. I'm also surprised the villain wasn't the Master. It feels like he was meant to be.

Review created on 22-08-24