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18 October 2024
Well, continuing on with the Main Range. Here we have Phantasmagoria, this is the first Big Finish story to focus around one doctor and the first to feature a companion. Given how much of an important story this is for Big Finish it's disappointing how much of a nothing burger it is. I don't even have an awful lot to say on it, it's not a bad story by any means, in fact there's a number of good elements, it just struggles to actually be entertaining of memorable in any way. I suppose starting with the things I do like about this story, I think the setting is very good for Five. He works well in this kind of environment, he particularly plays off characters like Holywell quite well; in fact this story has some good moments of humour from both Turlough and the doctor. Turlough is probably my favourite part of this story. He has the perfect level of snark and pessimism, yet still ultimate kindness that he should have by this point in his character arc. So the characterisation is good but the story is just... eh. Even now I'm struggling to remember what exactly happens, it doesn't help that the audio format makes it a bit harder to follow. The plot just moves along too slowly and even though I like the setting, it's not really used very well. Things do get a tad more interesting in the final part where the villain's plan comes together but it's just too little too late. Not a bad story, just sadly a bit forgettable. 5/10 / 2½ stars.
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