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Review of Past Lives by Five_Hundredth_Drax

20 May 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Oh boy, what a start to the anthology!
I can't even think of anything to change in this story, it is a perfect start for such an anthology.
The Doctor is staggering between incarnations and neither he, nor anyone else have any idea what is going on, and it is perfect.
Everyone in this story is acting greatly, making the characters alive. Tom Baker is still blasting as the Doctor. Rufus Hound as the Monk - good grief, whenever he is present, I'm smilng from ear to ear. Sadie Miller is virtually indistinguishable from late great Elisabeth Sladen - her voice is perfect for Sarah Jane Smith, and her storyline here is interesting. Jemma Redgrave and Ingrid Oliver are also amazing as their respective characters. I'm beginning to like Osgood.
The only things I didn't like is how does the Monk know about the Doctor's daughter? Also, if this is an anniversary, I think the Hyreth should've been swapped to someone familiar to the audience, although the Hyreth storyline was kinda tragic, not gonna lie.


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