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Review of Paradise Towers by WeAreInACar

30 September 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Despite being targeted at younger viewers, there's a lot here for everyone and much more depth than initially meets the eyes.

Considering when this was written and filmed, the thinking about the show at the BBC back then, and the meagre funding; the finished product is amazing.  A set with multiple levels and a cleaner robot that travels smoother than K9 ever has.

There is a wealth of ideas in the script, even 'gang language' that makes you cringe but, then again, the expressions we used to say when I was young do the same.  They add a depth to this world.

Elizabeth Spriggs shines in particular.

I love the idea of a scared hero (subverting the stereotype and opposite to the Doctor).  Weirdly I found the bullying more unpleasant than the cannibalism!

The story isn't perfect:

  • why doesn't anyone simply leave?
  • I appreciate why the women in the gangs are women and not the children I imagine they were in the script, but it would work far better with teenagers and I struggled to suspend my belief about this,
  • The Great Architect in the basement is underwhelming, and
  • Richard Briars choice of character/s is... curious

but the story is a fun ride at a good pace.


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