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Review of Pandora by dema1020

5 March 2025

This review contains spoilers!

Not bad, not bad at all.  Big things happen in Pandora and while I can appreciate its role in moving the larger story of Gallifrey forward, I definitely also struggled to stay invested throughout the entire audio.

What happened to Wynter here was pretty gut-wrenching, but didn't hit me emotionally as much as it seemed to for other people.  I do feel bad for him though.  The stuff with Braxiatel feels comparable.  I like how this further isolates Romana's character, nicely setting up future events, and also the references to Brax starting his collection after this, but the actual execution of it all left me feeling a little hollow.  I guess I still was not fully invested in Gallifrey at this point.  I understand what it was going for better now that I am farther in the series, but on its own and at first, Pandora only does so much as an audio on an emotional level.

Everyone puts in a good performance and the sound design around some of the more intense scenes is incredible.  This is not a bad audio by any means, but definitely not one of my favourites, either.


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