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Review of Outrun by JayPea

20 November 2024

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Is my bias towards Time War related stories showing?

Maybe a little.

Outrun is another really solid story, we get more from War than we have before, again that child with him, we get to see what happens if you try to enter the time war, something stops you and the war itself is so complex that all humans can perceive is a wall.

We get to see that rage that Eleven usually hides so well, and instead of everyone cowing to it as often happens when we do, we see Abslom just laugh at him.

I also love seeing the ruins of The Time War here, a fallen dalek saucer, mechanical spiders (that gives a great moment of Abslom and Squire running in to fight, while Eleven and Alice just kind of stand there), more flashbacks for Alice, and a lone column standing among it all...

A great cliffhanger, and the promise of Eleven finally getting a Master story is really fun.


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