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Review of Orphan 55 by MarkOfGilead19

21 March 2025

Just making this review as a reminder to skip this episode in future rewatches. I thought I would like it a bit more than on my first watch. In my defence, some episodes of this era have gone up quite a bit in my estimation in this second viewing (Demons of the Punjab has become one of my favourite historicals, and I found it quite boring the first time for some reason).

But no, this is the worst episode this show has ever produced. Yes, even worse than some of the most infamous of the Classic Era (I actually quite like the Twin Dilemma). The dialogue is ass, the characters make no sense in their motivations and their choices (why do they all go looking for Benni only for them to get ambushed and get back to the spa?), the acting is extremely subpar, the pacing is non-existent... But the most egregious sin is that it is so boring. At least with some bad episodes like The Crimson Horror (yeah I can't stand it don't ask me why) you have good characters making do with bad scripts and dialogue, but there is nothing to grasp at here. Even the moral of the story is half-baked, with no real depth, just there to make it look deep and with substance.

Anyway, if you really wanna rewatch this, drink one shot everytime you hear BENNI!!! It will go down easier.


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