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Review of Origins by 15thDoctor

1 November 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Easily the best thing about this story is having some sign time with the Fugitive Doctor without having her overshadowed. I loved the intro, and seeing her flex her muscles, getting an insight into the Doctor’s early years.

But as her first mission with Division unravels and you see the wretched Time Lord plot (which she foils in a rather predictable way) it all becomes a little less special, a little more generic. The planets she visits are under-explored, so you don’t feel a weight of importance in their safety. Taslo is not interesting enough a character for the reader to feel anything when she lets The Doctor down. We never really get to know her.

I’m also opposed to using the TARDIS to transport planet-loads of people to safety en masse. Wouldn’t they just do this every week if it was an option??

Ultimately it winds up being a wasted opportunity to satisfyingly expand on this missing little bit of The Doctor’s life.

I have big hopes for the Fugitive Doctor’s audio adventures to right this wrong!


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