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Review of Order of the Daleks by thedefinitearticle63

14 January 2025

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This is part of a series of reviews of Doctor Who in chronological timeline order.

Previous Story: Shield of the Jötunn

I think writers should be banned from using Daleks in their stories unless they ABSOLUTELY need to because otherwise we end up getting stories like this which are only good for giving me a headache and nothing else. The only good thing about the Daleks in this story is that cover (which, by the way, is phenomenal).

To be fair, they do do some fairly interesting things with the setting and the idea of a supposedly "primitive" not being as primitive as they first seemed was an really great twist. The two Galactic Census characters were rather fun. While this story isn't the greatest, Constance and the Doctor get some nice moments together, I do quite like their dynamic even if it's nothing that hasn't been done before.

Overall, a story that would have been a lot better without the Daleks (something that can be said about a good few Dalek stories).

Next Story: Colony of Fear


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