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Review of Operation Werewolf by Shayleen

29 July 2024

The Lost Stories is one of Big Finish's most interesting ranges. Audio adaptions of proposed story's that never made it to screen, after listening to some you can see why, whereas others are excellent and a glimpse of what could have been. Operation Werewolf is one of these strong entries. This is a true Second Doctor story, full of era appropriate tropes but combining with the well told and performed story to make a delightful listen. Michael Troughton thoroughly inhabits his father's role, capturing his mannerisms and vocal tone so very sell. Hines and Padbury are still wonderful as Jamie and Zoe, nearly 60 years on but still imbued with a youthful energy for these characters. Even at 6 episodes I did not find this story dragging, it flew by for me. This is simply a solid, wonderful piece of Second Doctor storytelling, it doesn't offer any surprise cameos or crossovers or do anything revelatory, but it delivers the Troughton era at it's best and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone seeking a strong Second Doctor story or just a solid piece of Doctor Who in general.


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