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Review of Old Flames by quartz_

19 December 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Ooh, what's that? A mysterious red double-decker bus?

Iris! Iris, Iris, Iris, hello!! Ah, dear Iris- wanting to leave her companion behind, to settle down and get married and be safe. She has such attachment issues, I swear. Even to the point where she abandoned him there for his own good! (First Doctor leaving Susan vibes, eh?)

And Four and Sarah, the dears. I adore their interactions, as well as theirs with Iris. <33

As this is Beryl Reid's Iris, we can, of course see the distinction between regenerations, and I love it. This one's not that insane about the Doctor, not like the others. She's trying to be mature, or something, and may I just repeat that she left her companion behind so that he could get married and be happy and safe and not with her!!!! Oh, Iris..

And I love how Lady Huntingdon and Bella turned out to not be from around here as well, and familial disputes, my beloved!! Oh, I adore this story, very much because of Iris!! 

Paul Magrs really does know how to tell a tale :)


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