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4 September 2024
This review contains spoilers!
I found this one rather tedious.
The pieces were all there: an eclectic cast of characters all trapped together in an old house with a dark history, each with their own secrets to be uncovered, and a murderer stalking the house, punishing them for their past crimes. It's a cliché, certainly, but one that tends to make for a gripping story nonetheless.
Night Thoughts drops the ball largely in terms of pacing. The tension is racheted up at the wrong moments, and is low during big reveals. Most of the revelations are had through rather bland exposition, and even the villain of the piece seems content to flatly explain his own deeds, feeling almost like he's summarizing the plot, rather than living it.
By the third part, the tension had all gone out, and I began to wonder why the story hadn't ended already. The subtle tension and dropped hints built up in the first part were replaced with monologues and predictable plot beats. And while I love suspending my belief for madcap Doctor Who plots, a time travel zombie embalmed and stuffed inside a taxidermied bear seemed... comical to a degree that was at odds with the rest of the story.
I don't mind the whole concept behind the story. I just feel like it could have done with a lot more polishing, and, well... some better writing, frankly.
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