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Review of Neverland by kiraoho

27 September 2024

This review contains spoilers!


f**k that trope. The one where the villains have a perfectly reasonable motivation to act, but also turns out they're f**ked up evil and eat babies, so f**k em. Zagreus lives among the dead. Fucking hell.

An alternative f**ked up world of Neverland is a great but underexplored idea. Rassilon is meh, fine there. I find their inconsistent characterization throughout the years troublesome. Here he's just a wise mentor, whatever.

It's got some cool moments of Doctor and Charlie sticking for each other and they deliberately avoid the obvious route to take, which I respect. Nevertheless, I found this piece to be more troubling than captivating. 2/5

One day Romana will get a decent Big Finish story.


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