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Review of Most Beautiful Music by JayPea

16 October 2024

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Another just fun and solid story. For how I was talking about the last one avoiding death being a kids book, I really didn't expect the next one to be all about someone wanting to die.

Characterisation is on point here, I especially enjoyed

> ‘Imagine it – a creature that can live for centuries, maybe thousands of years. And the one person it really cares about, won’t live nearly that long. It can’t bear the thought of outliving its friend. A bit like …’ His voice tailed off.
> ‘A bit like,’ Donna finished for him, ‘Puff the Magic Dragon.’
> The Doctor nodded. ‘Exactly what I was thinking,’ he lied.

Donna crying at the second half of the music as well really works, reminds me of Planet of the Ood, and generally this kind of short story works great for a short, it's been written with the format in mind, and it doesn't talk down to it's audience like some of the earlier stories in the collection felt like they did.


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