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Review of Monstrous Beauty by dema1020

26 November 2024

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A pretty cool and interesting look at the Dark Times through the perspective of the Ninth Doctor.  It's really neat seeing this early version of the Time Lords and I, at least at first, was intrigued by the conflict with the vampires.  But in three parts for the Doctor Who Magazine, this comic basically amounts to a single issue's worth of content, and that's very, very short for a very, very big idea.  As such, everything feels truncated.  Rose gets kidnapped and turned into a vampire.  The Doctor teams up with an ancient Gallifreyan but eventually he dies.  The First Rassilon hunts down the Doctor and vows to find him one day.  It's all perfectly serviceable stuff, but none of these plot ideas get anywhere close to enough expansion to have any kind of emotional pay-off.

So the art is good and the dialogue is fine, just don't expect much out of this comic.  It's interesting more for the novelty than the storytelling.


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