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Review of Monsters in Metropolis by RandomJoke

28 February 2025

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I must admit jumping through the 9DA every now and then doesn't fullfill me as much as I would have hoped. Don't get me wrong I am far away from having listened to all of his Stories or a lot of them to properly judge it, that said.. I feel a bit underwhelmed by a lot of them, even if Eccelston is a joy to listen to.

That said.. I was VERY excited for this one. I love Metropolis, for me this is easily the best German Movie ever made. Visually stunning, a Rich Story and a lot more but that's probably a Discussion to be had at another Time. And the Cybermen are such a great Idea, when they are used well, they are used so well.

Unfortunatley I feel like the Setting of the Set of Metropolis could be swapped with most other Film Sets, this Story doesn't tie as much into the Themes of the Film as I would have hoped for.

Fortunatley, that said.. This is still amazing. The Cybermen we get here is such an interesting one, by no means totally unique, but a very interesting one. A Cybermen who is basically used as a Puppet to somebody else's Benefits is such a good Idea and is used quite well. 9 has a great Part in the Story and I REALLY enjoyed the Ending, with both of them watching Metropolis together.

And I would lie if I didn't say that having a Doctor Who Story about or at least set in the Metropolis Set is so much fun! And Fun is the best word to describe this one, while this is by no means one of the deepest or greatest Cybermen Stories we got, this is still such a fun Outing! And a worthy one for the ninth Doctor! A True Highlight of that Range!


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