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Review of Mission to Galacton by deltaandthebannermen

28 January 2025

This review contains spoilers!

This is a short story very much inspired by the 1960s Dalek comic strips where the Daleks were the main characters and very often the victors.  There were a few stories very similar to this where a Dalek saucer would arrive on a planet with plans to use it's properties in some way.  The Daleks would often face off against some native life forms - usually monstrous in some way - and there would be lots of images of Daleks getting trounced and exterminating left, right and centre.  In some of those comic strips the Daleks are defeated by the aliens, in others, the Daleks wipe out the threat and end victorious.  This story is sort of a mix of the two - and involves one Dalek sacrificing themselves for the cause - with the aliens destroyed but also, the Daleks running away.  They do get a massive fuel source for their fleet out of it all though, so that's good.

This is a perfect accompaniment to those comic strips and I would highly recommend it being read alongside them.


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