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Review of Missing Habitas Frond by MrColdStream

27 December 2024

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Thworping through time and space, one adventure at a time! 

"Missing Habitas Frond: A Masterful Whodunit?"

Missing Habitas Frond introduces a private detective in the early 20th century who stumbles upon a mysterious crime that inevitably pulls him into Missy’s web of twisted schemes. The story leans into the style of a classic murder mystery, but beyond Missy’s quirky charm, it doesn’t leave much of a lasting impression.

Missy, as always, is the undeniable highlight. Her playful and chaotic persona brings life to the story, effortlessly stealing the spotlight. She treats Habitas as little more than a toy in her elaborate games, revealing her true, darker intentions only after he uncovers the extent of her guilt in the deaths of multiple humans.

The detective plot serves more as a backdrop for Missy’s antics than a gripping narrative, but it’s hard not to smile at the sheer delight she takes in her villainy. And honestly, isn’t Habitas Frond just the greatest character name ever?

📝Verdict: 5/10


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