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Review of Minuet in Hell by slytherindoctor

28 August 2024

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Mr 019: Minuet in Hell

What an apt title. This was miserable from start to finish.

I don't super care about the summary. So something something the Doctor got his mind scrambled with Nick Briggs and is in an insane asylum for most of the story. Charley gets kidnapped by a Hellfire club and is forced to wear sexy clothes and a corset. Where she meets someone with literally demon fighting magic powers from a medieval knight group who has a grandfather who is a senator who gets possessed by a demon who is literal Yosemite Sam and makes my ears bleed every time he talks. The head of the Hellfire Club is trying to start a new state, become governor, and then president while projecting a Christian image. All while summoning a literal demon. The Brig is here investigating just cause.

And most importantly, everyone, and I mean everyone, had a terrible accent that makes me hate my life. Like if every single character was Milo from the Space Pirates. Oh my God.

This story robs the Doctor and Charley of their agency and definitely is a waste of the brig. And is just painful. Not only in the terrible accents, but the terrible script and story as well. I don't know who green lit this piece of crap but they need to be fired immediately. It's incredible how the first block of Eighth Doctor stories get progressively worse. Storm Warning is pretty ok. Sword of Orion boring and procedural. Stones of Venice a messy script with no focus. And Minuet in Hell an assault on the ears. Here's hoping the next block is better. Back to our regularly scheduled Doctors.


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