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Review of Metamorphosis by TheOnestOfNerds

18 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

Hey you!!!

Are you an insomniac!?

Sleeping pills a no go!?

Warm milk not working?!

Knocking yourself out with a frying pan a no go and only ended up in hospital?!

Well do I have the perfect sleeping drug for you!

Introducing a story that achieves absolutely NOTHING!


(Intro courtesy of my Partner :›)


A story so dull, that I don't have to worry about spoiling the story for you, because there's no story to spoil.

Let's run down the plot, why not, there's not much to talk about so let's hope into it

Part 1

The Doctor, Harry and Naomi land on the Planet Jaxus, and meet a young girl, whose father (like so many on Jaxus) has vanished.


And suddenly Harry and Naomi (1 by 1) vanish, and wake up in this prison place, with Harry stumbling upon the Master, who totally isn't doing evil things. And Naomi gets…..idk, just imprisoned, honestly her plot is so forgettable that there's literally no reason to talk about her, until I get to the characters.


And you want to know what the Doctor and the Girl are doing during this time, walking in grass…..for 24 minutes straight, they walk forward and do NOTHING.


Part 1 ends (and I kid you not) with the grass attack the young girl and Tom going “please stop attacking her” with the emotions of a plaster board.


(Now, before we get into Part 2 funny story. So I was listening to this set with me Partner, by this point my partner was fed up with this set (same here) and once we finished Part 1 of this story they couldn't handle it and refused to listen to more, as it was a story where nothing has happened…..I wish I took that advice.)


Part 2

That riveting cliffhanger is resolved by the grass…….letting her go, the Doctor convincing the grass to let the girl go.


Harry's has been helping the Master as the Master has convinced Harry he's good, and is in pain.


Naomi is…..doing something I think, honestly her plot is so forgettable there literally is no point talking about it.


The Doctor enters the prison thingy and confronts the Master.


So what is the Masters evil scheme???

Take the people of Jaxus, process them, and use them to make himself better………that's it, that's all his plan. Something we've seen before done in the most basic and generic way possible.


Master hypnotizes harry and the Doctor and Master have to mind battle to stop the Master from killing the processes people of Jaxus.


Doctor wins end credits




The Doctor:

Plaster board



His usual self, although he sounds incredibly board throughout this story



It's a shame, it really is.

I really want to like this Character, when she was announced as the new companion for this series I was excited, and waited patiently for her stories.

But she gives one of the most bland and forgettable performances I've ever heard.

You'd get more emotion out of a used Sponge.



The sets first 2 stories are bad, with only the first one being a bit better because of the dynamic between the Toymaker and 4.


But this story does NOTHING, it doesn't further the character of the crispy Master, it doesn't have fun Interactions, it doesn't have any emotion whatsoever.


It's a massive reach to call it a story, because stories tend to make you feel something. This story takes that away, giving you air on a plate.


This story is my 2nd least favorite Doctor Who story of all time, not like Time Lord Immemorial because it infuriates me, but because it gives me nothing.


If I stopped listening to it like my partner did, I would get my time back, because that's all this story is, an hour of wasted time.


This story isn't even a fun romp around, because there's no fun here at all.


What a waste of script pages.