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Review of Meat by PeriDox

3 July 2024

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Whether you have seen Torchwood or not, this story is packed with metaphors regarding corporate greed in the meat industry. If you are familiar with Torchwood, it moves from the very beginning from where Gwen’s boyfriend Rhys finds out about Torchwood to where he ends up helping her and the Torchwood gang in rescuing the alien animal that is being used as a mere “cash cow”  to make profit regardless of what is in the meat.

I love Rhys. As a support character, he represents us all.

Many times, the main characters don’t seem to work as well together as a team as I would like to see them, but here is a definite exception.

Meat is something I highly recommend. Not perfect. But just perfect enough meat to keep you hanging.

4 1/2 Stars


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