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Review of Loups-Garoux by slytherindoctor

28 August 2024

This review contains spoilers!

MR 020: Loups-Garoux

Why is the audio mixing so terrible? Literally everyone's audio is clipping like crazy. I feel like my ears are bleeding. The audio mixing was terrible in Minuet in Hell, but for a very different reason: the terrible accents and immediate cutting between scenes.

Literally the entire summary is: the Doctor and Turlough hang out with a werewolf clan for two hours and twenty minutes. Yes, there really is that little story to this thing. The werewolf clan has a lady in charge whose son is sick and is getting cured by an asian doctor who wants to cure lycanthropy in general. And there's an evil werewolf that's the original werewolf that wants to mate with her. Aaaannnnddd that's about it. 😴 🛌 💤

This audio could definitely have benefited from being cut down to a single hour long episode. But even then there might not have been enough story to sustain it honestly. And that god awful audio mixing, what the hell. If it wasn't for that, this would be pretty average, but the audio drags it down.


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