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Review of Loups-Garoux by dema1020

25 June 2024

This review contains spoilers!

I liked it, but there were definitely some problems. The setting of a devastated Amazon was very interesting and I think the country of Brazil was used well in the audio. I liked the werewolves and enjoyed their rich backstory that dominated much of the audio. The idea of them messing around with human perception was interesting and went a ways into explaining why werewolves would remain a myth in human consciousness, even into the future that this story takes place in.  Characters like Anton and Ileana were also well-written and entertaining.

On the other hand, Pieter and Rosa were very underwhelming as characters. I didn’t like their performers and really didn’t like the cultural appropriation going on with Rosa’s character. She had a charming story and chemistry going on with Turlough but some of that writing and her accent were just painful to listen to.

Overall it wasn’t bad, and I really enjoyed having an entertaining Turlough story, as it feels he really got to shine here. He and the Doctor were great overall and a big part of what makes this audio work for me. Turlough felt intimately involved in the story and I love the scenes where the werewolves were messing around with him. The Doctor also had a really compelling relationship with Ileana and had a lot of solid moments. I rate it an 8/10 for these reasons, in spite of the audio’s issues.


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