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Review of Lost and Found by deltaandthebannermen

24 September 2024

This review contains spoilers!

The 2nd Doctor, Polly and Ben arrive in post-war London and head to a department store – by the name of Henriks – and settle and altercation between a tin can and possessed teddy bears.

Lost and Found is a Short Trip narrated by Anneke Wills and notable, mainly, for the TARDIS crew meeting Polly as a child. The moment Polly mentions having lost a teddy bear in a department store in the year they have arrived, it becomes fairly obvious where the story is going.

Polly and Ben are characters who, in the expanded universe, have a lot of focus placed on how they are children of World War Two and its aftermath. Unfortunately, this story doesn’t really evoke the time and place because far too much focus is placed on the rather silly aspects of the story – a talking tin can and teddy bears with glowing eyes that are possessed only because people are missing them.

There’s some nice moments when Polly and the Doctor realise who the little girl is but beyond that, I didn’t really feel engaged in this story. Ben also doesn’t get a huge amount to do aside from teasing Polly and rewriting a Lost and Found sign (which is all that is needed to save the day). Overall, it’s all a bit too silly – and the Henriks reference (the department store where Rose works) feels ever so slightly out of place. Anneke Wills does make for a pleasant narrator though.


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